Dear accordion lovers,

For the past 15 years, I've been sharing my passion for the accordion with you through this free simulator. It's been an incredible journey! driven by my love for the instrument and my desire to make it accessible and enjoyable for more people.

But, the truth is that nothing was free, since we had to pay for servers, developers, quality analysts, digital marketing, accountants, lawyers, legal advisors, taxes, professional Instagram, Facebook, Google accounts, development tools, domains, computers, mouse, keyboards, monitors, I have rented recording rooms to get the highest quality sounds from each accordion (because each accordion was recorded separately, note by note), I have rented instruments, microphones, I have paid music producers, I have taken courses to improve my academic reach and the list goes on, not counting the hours invested in this project (which exceed a thousand hours).

As you can imagine, the cost of keeping a website running for 15 years is quite high, and it is impossible nowadays to provide a totally “free” service, so after thinking a lot about what to do, I came to the decision to charge a membership for those who really appreciate the project, because canceling it is not an option for me, since as I mentioned before, I have been working on this for 15 years and I know that it is a tool that greatly helps the accordion community globally.

For all the above, from now on, the simulator will have a small monthly subscription of $4.99 USD, which is half the value of a subscription to any movie platform. This contribution will allow me to continue dedicating time and resources to improving the experience for you, (for example, you will no longer see advertising on the site!) In addition, you will now be able to access the Upcoming feature list where month by month I will be publishing what is to come.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all these years of support. The journey continues, and the best is yet to come!


With love and dedication,
Leandro La Piana, founder of MusicSoft LLC
